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Final Thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077 (thoughtless spoilers unspoiled)

Are your thoughts pretty much in line with mine?

  • Ermagerd are we clones?

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • That's pretty much what I thought, with a few exceptions...

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • I've nothing to contribute so please enjoy this humorous cyber themed gif

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I get what you're saying but I had a different, less positive take

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Nah, I totally disagree, but I know you wanna hear about why so here goes...

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters


I am writing this as a sequel to my earlier thread on the relationship storyline with Judy.

First Thing's First: I feel justified in making "Just Another Cyberpunk 2077" thread because I've actually played the shit out of the game and I have more to offer than "CDPR suck" or "this game was total bs" or whatever other tired things could be said, and have been said.

My thoughts upon completing two endings.

Season 8 Nbc GIF by The Office

My two endings (Male V, maximum difficulty) were the Arasaka one, in which I rejected 'Save Your Soul' or whatever it's called, and the Johnny Silverhand one, in which I elected to sacrifice Johnny to give V his own body for 6 more months. I've yet to try the Panam ending, I am worried that Panam will get killed off which would blow.

1a) Why did I first do the Arasaka ending?
This is a weird one. To be honest, I thought Takemura was a good guy. I've played about 250 hours of CP2077 thus far but until this latest playthough on PC I had never got much further than the next few missions after the Japantown parade. I just kinda unthinkingly thought that helping him sort out the Arasaka mess was the right thing to do. Also, Hanako's ass is so nom'able that I just went along with it.


I wanna bite into her glutes like a bear biting into a kodiak salmon...
...well I mean up until the point of drawing blood then take it back a notch or two

1b) How do I feel about the ending?
I think what happened to me was about right, I shouldn't have gone with the corpo solution and I forgot that the whole tone of the game was built around V and Johnny's relationship - that any other ending would feel pretty lowkey in comparison. They used me, they took over the world, I became a useless pawn with an expiry date, it was very annoying, and all sweet-ass Hanako had to say to me at the end of it all was "we'd like to use you as a merc for the last 6 months of your life contact my company" jeez.. Losing all my friends and getting "told ya so" messages from them all was pretty shit.

1c) What did I think of the endgame content for the Arasaka storyline?
Slightly more positive here, I did enjoy breaking Hanako out of her house (I was hugely over-level'd so it was a bit of a breeze), and I think that Adam Smasher fight is the best version, of the ones I've thus far done. Sneaking through the forest level was cool. Johnny got shredded and yeah, they put a lot of effort into underlining the fact that I made a fucking bad choice lol, fair enough.

2a) What did I think of the Johnny Silverhand ending?
I didn't use this at first because I was kinda put off by how assertive he was about taking me over, I came back to it when I realized that that was probably the most appropriate from a gameplay perspective.

2b) How did I feel about the ending?
First off, the way they handled Alt Cunningham was bullshit, I have a feeling that earlier in the game they were planning for Johnny to really get her back somehow, or at least for some humanity to filter back into her, but she seriously just became a giant error popup for all the good she did the narrative. Booorriiing. I kinda like the way Rogue died, but for some reason her gun and grenade didn't spawn in my save file so she was just kinda miming everything and that broke immersion pretty badly. The Adam Smasher fight was... okay... there were more enemy soldiers with big guns for my to turn Cyberpsycho but the big databanks obstructed their fire zones too much for them to really be useful, and when I finally killed him he was on an elevated platform and my double jump was disabled because the game wanted me to leave the room. So I didn't get to loot him and I had to headshot his scalp from the other side of the room. I let V live out his life, and the last scene has him making a space jump to some heist venue... It is meant to end with him being very expressive while flying through space but his facial animations didn't really hold up their end of the bargain. A bit disapointing. Also his only shoes were really stupid so I completed that whole post-game with bare feet.


2c) What did I think of the endgame content for the Johnny storyline?
Ah, what can I say, like the game in general they didn't really convey the ramping up of intensity very well with characters (the original Johnny mission to Arasaka Tower when V first gets killed had a bunch of entourage and much better combat, this one just has Jamaican boy and Rogue) or the set pieces.



I have hugely enjoyed the game for the last few weeks on PC. I didn't really love it on PS4 Pro, more because I prefer a mouse to a videogame controller (anyone saying controllers are better than mice for FPSs are just trying to be hip) than because of any instability issues or anything like that.

The gameplay loop of Cyberpunk 2077 - rove around, solve problems, sell items, upgrade, rove around solving problems, level into new areas with more complex puzzles and bigger rewards, etc - was fucking amazing. I loved this loop. Best I've experienced since MGS5, possibly. A lot of the side mission storylines were legitimately excellent - I particularly like the glut of mini missions in the area around Johtaro Shoto, or whatever his name was... Across those rooftops, that cyberpsycho, bugging that russian sports car, that was already really fun stuff. I can absolutely recommend this game to anyone for the quality of its open world missions, content, progression, gameplay loops. Its exploration isn't bad either though considering how easy it is to climb buildings I wish they'd stashed more secret things on rooftops and high balconies and stuff.

I think the badlands were probably an area that actually excceeded my expectations a bit... They really felt huge and sparsly populated, with a few pretty interesting and challenging Militech missions - the sniper cyberpsycho was pretty fun, that giant wreck with the murdered journalist, yeah. It was kinda surrealy driving/double jumping across like 2 km of landfil to get to that australian random with V's nomad car... I clipped through almost everything, yeah it was wacky, but it also felt pretty epic.

The first time I infiltrated the parade float facility for Takemura was extremely fun, kinda reminded me of earlier MGS titles.

The story of Cyberpunk 2077 was actually a bit reminiscent of the aforementioned MGS5, in that it kinda fell flat in the end, for me. I think they put a lot of heart and soul into the first half of the stuff, up until the end of the Japantown Parade, but everything after that kinda contracted in scale rather than expanding in scale. A lot of things felt unresolved, I really thought Panam would be a more useful girlfriend after I'd beat the game - she's just a fucking NPC in her camp with the same blue questions you got from calling her anywhere on the map. Yes, in summary, the central story/stories of the game kinda let me down.

I liked how they started bringing in a bit of the Witcher Viola, or whatever it was, in later missions...

I know this is a bit perverse, but I kinda expected CP2077 to push sex in gaming to new levels... if they give you a wang and the ability to make it yuge I would expect to see him pining Panam to her tank seat with the thing in full 3D... Getting just another sweaty montage was really dissapointing... What can I say, I expected this game to go further than any other game, but it really didn't seem that much removed from Mass Effect. Also, in my Japanese version all the woman have underware on even when naked, so I expected Alt Cunningham would have actual nipples during her little sex montage with Johnny, but no she wore a bra in that one, too. Booriiing.

Would I advise my slightly younger self to play this game?
Do I resent CDPR for what they did with this game? Qualified no, I think some of their 'directors' made shit decisions (first person only, soundtrack choice, car handling, complete lack of secret locations to discover that are not just settings for later missions that you stumble upon early)
Would I advise them to keep their PC preorder instead of dumping it for a censored Japanese hard copy for PS4 Pro? Absolutely.
Would I warn people against buying and playing this game? Shit no, it's awesome and if you pick up good hardware as it gets cheaper over the next few years it'll look insane.

In summary, the minute-to-minute gameplay for a completionist in Cyberpunk 2077 is so damn good that the storyline can simply be an irrelevant sideshow that you turn to when you feel like a bit of schlock.

Was it worth the price I paid for it across two platforms? Considering that I played this game more than RDR2, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and probably Control put together, yes I think it was worth it. I should give RDR2 another go if I ever get the chance, though.
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Despite the many issues I genuinely enjoyed this game. I played it on the Series X which is the best console version and when it is just you and the story it has some truly great moments. It has some great characters like Judy, Jackie and Panam and it has some great story parts like Judy's quests, the funeral and everything involving the heist in the first part of the game. Even somebody like Meredith Stout had more depth than anybody in GTA V. NIght City itself is just dripping with atmosphere even if the NPCs and Cops are morons.

The problems are of course the nearly unplayable state it was in on certain consoles on release day but also the fact that you can't really engage much with the open world. You can't change your appearance except for clothes. Are you going to tell me that nobody in night city can ever change their hair and makeup or when you go to a bar or somewhere to eat you can only order generic stuff? You have all these cool vehicles but nowhere to customize them? The open world feels half baked which is really sad because there was so much that could have been done with that.

All in all I liked it quite a bit but it could have done a whole lot more.


I had a generally good time with the game, and didn't encounter any crippling bugs even when playing the original unpatched version. I suspect that a lot of the most negative reactions are from people that attempted to play it on base model consoles, since apparently it was pretty bad. I was playing the PC version - it just seemed the obvious choice because fundamentally CDPR are a company that makes PC games.

Sure, there are lots of things you can criticize if you have a mind to - but in the end the my basic question is "did I have fun playing this game" - and the answer is clearly "yes".


I'm getting a itch to play it, I bought it for 13$, waiting till next gen patch arrives, game seems solid by reading things in here, it's problems can be solved through patches I belive, so I'm waiting...


Gold Member
I thought Johnny’s part in the game was neat, but it reeked of John Wick. I thought it exploited Keanu Reeves more than anything else. He had no style except the style he had in other stuff like his movies. I finished the main campaign and I was done. I played it on PS5 and got a refund. I loved the Witcher 1-3 and many many different open world games. I thought this was one of their worst games. Maybe back when Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3-4 came out. It would have been more enjoyable. The uncanny valley was not that well done. I never felt sucked into the game more than whatever was on the screen. It lacked shock value or something beyond today’s standards for an open world sandbox game.

I was going into it with excitement, but it was so boring. Random gangs, strip clubs that have zero meaning to them, and it was just a slog to get around everything. The bridges were cool to drive on because it made me think of Akira. They had maybe 1-2 quests that I’ll actually remember in a year or whatever. Nothing about it stood out. I’d love to be a fan. Don’t get me wrong, but I can honestly say I was let down when the game ended. It felt like the developers were trying to outdo Bethesda and to be honest. Bethesda makes the better first person sandbox world. All my money is going to CD Projekt Red’s medieval dragon fantasy stuff.
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I mean that the game needs a pc that is too powerful to be able to play it.

On consoles it is practically impossible, and on PS5 you can barely play.

And not everyone has a PC with more than 16 GB of Ram to run it
I see!

My Laptop is about 4 years old now, it's slightly stronger than PS4 Pro in terms of power I think but it's graphics card is worse. It looks better on my laptop than on the PS4 Pro, and runs better, and I was able to manually turn up a few graphical features to make it prettier... All in all I'm satisifed that it's a really smooth running, pretty game on my pretty old laptop.

But yeah 90% of the settings are at 'low'

(ps. my laptop does have more than 16gb ram, but ram is bottlenecked by the CPU, i later learned, and my CPU isn't hot shit)
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First of all I have to say that I really hate FPS. I feel sick playing it, sometimes.

Yes, it has a lots of bugs. Yeah, the fps is way low. Yeah, you have to play the game using an SSD.

Yet, with all the problems the game manages to be one of the best games that has been developed for PS4.

My biggest problem with the game is that it is not a 3th person shooter. Really hat not have the chance to see my V in action.


First of all I have to say that I really hate FPS. I feel sick playing it, sometimes.

Yes, it has a lots of bugs. Yeah, the fps is way low. Yeah, you have to play the game using an SSD.

Yet, with all the problems the game manages to be one of the best games that has been developed for PS4.

My biggest problem with the game is that it is not a 3th person shooter. Really hat not have the chance to see my V in action.
your post was a real journey :p

i don't care about FPS much, i figure i can play it real smooth in like 5 years when i get my next laptop and it's really badass compared to today's computers :p

3PS, i agree... bad directing choice... it's a bummer motorbikes handle worse in 3rd person than 1st, i'd enjoy riding around on a bike just to see my toon yeah :p
This game is such a mix of feelings for me. It had flaws, many of them in fact, but I really enjoyed my time in this gorgeous cyberpunk future. Great characters, fun stories, cool world and a surprisingly solid FPS module for an RPG and a studio who never made one before. On the one hand it saddens me that it was supposed to be so much more and that it's unclear when/if that potential is ever lived up to, but on the other... I enjoyed my time with it for the most part. The "untitled" side activities like clearing out houses and stopping crimes were braindead repetitive, but nearly every story with names and cutscenes was worth playing and memorable.

The game's balance is a funny one too, because after a few dozen hours you start unlocking quite unlimited hacking options and are able to see and shoot through any amount of wall layers, allowing you to snipe out entire bases without even getting in their immediate proximity. It's like playing with cheatcodes on. It's not challenging but also so much fun. They clearly haven't thought this one through all in all, like many other things that they clearly had no time to ultimately get to.

Such a shame that discourse around this game is tainted perhaps forever, as despite everything it was a great game. Great write-up.


As a pure single player narrative experience , the game is excellent . Very few games offer such experiences like this IMO , and it also has strong characters support like Jackie , Goro , Hanako , Johnny , Judy as well as Panam .

As an open world sandbox game then, this is where it falls short and they shouldn't advertised Cyberpunk 2077 as such game unless they had everything up and running flawlessly (AI , traffic , dynamic world) .


Amazing game, truly next gen in some areas. There are many issues of course but most of them are irrelevant to what this game is about (story driven rpg not GTA traffic simulator) to my overall opinion on the game.


The game's balance is a funny one too, because after a few dozen hours you start unlocking quite unlimited hacking options and are able to see and shoot through any amount of wall layers, allowing you to snipe out entire bases without even getting in their immediate proximity. It's like playing with cheatcodes on. It's not challenging but also so much fun. They clearly haven't thought this one through all in all, like many other things that they clearly had no time to ultimately get to.

Yeah, I noticed that too - which was a pity, since my original intent was to play as a very hacking focused character, but once you get a bit into the game doing that had a tendency to make the game feel like a cakewalk. Arguably it would have been nicer to role-play the character the way I originally envisaged, but in the end I found the game had a more enjoyable level of challenge if I didn't.


Yui's Empire Yui's Empire Trimesh Trimesh

I just gotta say that I made a concious (but not pre-planned) effort to choke every possible character to sleep, like for the whole game, and i cleared like multiple zones and got to lvl 35 or something before i did the bulk of the story missions... i used hacking to distract and hack terminals for money... I pretty much played the game like it was deus ex: human revolution in an open world...

the point is it made every encounter pretty fun and challenging... max difficulty... i can imagine that if i played the game as a shooter my skills woulda got hella high and i would have been seriously deadly by the end of it, so yeah i can imagine it being a braindead kinda thing if you're shooting... but yeah, it just took a lot of timing


Game was decent, but could have been so much more. For example, after you fuck Meredith Stout, she disappears, there's no further contact. I thought she would play a bigger role in the story other than getting for sex. I loved Panam. You should definitely do the Panam ending. Its the best one imo. Jackie was a bro. Judy was a really cool character too. But overall this game wasn't worth the hype. It falls very short of expectations and a letdown by CD Project Red.


What he said in a nutshell:

I had to endure 250 minutes in first peasant view,
no blowjob, hardcore fucking and wanking, no running with gargantuan flaccid dick outside the zipper,
cant biomod to a tiger with laser weapons,
alt's pussay wasn't detailed enough,
couldn't mate with the bouncer, shit
NO CIRI! Foooook demm bitchazzz @ CDPR.

Game is shit. Replaying to see another ending. FUckin peasant view, unbearable.


Cyberpunk's real strength is in how well it executes on many elements rather than pushing any one in particular more than other games. This is something people underestimate and overlook, in life in general as well, but it is hugely important.

If I really had to trim down what bothered me with CP2077 first time around it would be that firstly the marketing revealed too much of the game, and then consequently that there was only so much of the main missions. If I could wish for one thing is that I'd wish for there to be more of it.

Nonetheless it's a great game and easily slots in at #2 for open-world games ranking for me, behind Kingdom Come Deliverance, but that's in a realm of its own.

The post-game support has been very disappointing though, I was hoping they'd have more to show for a year of work than what they've done so far. I guess we'll see if they won't surprise us with a meaty DLC at the end of the year together with the next-gen release.


Gold Member
If you can ignore the noisy minority console crowd, where 95% of the bad vibes the game gets, comes from, and play it on a high (ish) end PC, then you'll have an enjoyable 30hrs or so playing the campaign and then forget about it and move on...Its just another solid 8/10 RPG to me.

I didn't expect it to be world changing or genre redefining based upon my experiences with the Witcher 3, which I've always felt was/is way overrated.


I pl;ayed on PC and i thought the game was average. It feels very dated to me, and all the characters are unlikeable edgelords. I thought there was too much talking, it was almost Kojima level at parts.

I will play the game again in the future, if/when they put the stuff in the game that was promised. I doubt the game will ever be a favorite of mine though.

'Welcome to the next generation of open world games' indeed.


i honestly don't get how one can say this game has a great gameplay loop. it tries to be deus ex during some of it's missions but it completly fails as the amazing variety of options to tackle a mission are: hack the door, rip the door open or find another entrance 10 meters to the left of the main door. then you proceed to kill everyone in the most boring fps combat imaginable or you make it more difficult for yourself and work around the barely functioning stealth thanks to the braindead AI. the context of the missions in 85% of cases is some fixer calling you, saying the deets are attached and then you can read the reason why you are supposed to kill everyone or steal something in a text (once you manage to find the thing in the very clunky UI). the main missions consist of 2 call of duty style keanu reeves missions with no rpg elements to be seen anywhere, walking behind someone and hearing them talk and a couple turret sections where it doesn't even matter if you shoot or not. all of this could be forgiven if the story was at least great but if you've only read a single cyberpunk comicbook, novel or watched a cyberpunk movie you've seen far better. the whole game feels like a b-movie, from the cheesy dialogue of johnny silverhand to the cardboard cutouts like takemura. as someone who has never played a cdpr game before i expected great things from the way people were hyping up the writing of their games. i'd say it's a half step above the average ubisoft game. it feels a lot like that altered carbon show on netflix and that was already pretty bad when it came to writing. then you have stuff like bad loot, bad crafting, broken perks, a bad clothing system and a completly dead and empty world. seriously you can visit all the main cast in their places and all of them have the same couple lines of dialogue you also get when you just call them over the phone. i recommend playing deus ex human revolution again where there is some interaction with npcs and dialogue during missions on top of great level design that is miles ahead of cyberpunk 2077. how does cyberpunk compensate for that? it lets you drive vehicles through an open world. which is cool, it sucks though that the open world is so fucking empty that you could just aswell use quickt travel everytime. yes the city look graphically impressive and was a huge treat for someone who loves cyberpunk but eventually you've driven through the city center for the fifth time and it stops being amazing.
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Amazing but very, very flawed game. Still played it more than any other open world game to date.

Just downloaded it again last night because I miss Night City so much. Just wandering aroung is enough fun, because its designed so damn well.

Now do the other endings, OP

Panam's is the best one by far. You wont regret it.


i honestly don't get how one can say this game has a great gameplay loop. it tries to be deus ex during some of it's missions but it completly fails as the amazing variety of options to tackle a mission are: hack the door, rip the door open or find another entrance 10 meters to the left of the main door. then you proceed to kill everyone in the most boring fps combat imaginable or you make it more difficult for yourself and work around the barely functioning stealth thanks to the braindead AI. the context of the missions in 85% of cases is some fixer calling you, saying the deets are attached and then you can read the reason why you are supposed to kill everyone or steal something in a text (once you manage to find the thing in the very clunky UI). the main missions consist of 2 call of duty style keanu reeves missions with no rpg elements to be seen anywhere, walking behind someone and hearing them talk and a couple turret sections where it doesn't even matter if you shoot or not. all of this could be forgiven if the story was at least great but if you've only read a single cyberpunk comicbook, novel or watched a cyberpunk movie you've seen far better. the whole game feels like a b-movie, from the cheesy dialogue of johnny silverhand to the cardboard cutouts like takemura. as someone who has never played a cdpr game before i expected great things from the way people were hyping up the writing of their games. i'd say it's a half step above the average ubisoft game. it feels a lot like that altered carbon show on netflix and that was already pretty bad when it came to writing. then you have stuff like bad loot, bad crafting, broken perks, a bad clothing system and a completly dead and empty world. seriously you can visit all the main cast in their places and all of them have the same couple lines of dialogue you also get when you just call them over the phone. i recommend playing deus ex human revolution again where there is some interaction with npcs and dialogue during missions on top of great level design that is miles ahead of cyberpunk 2077. how does cyberpunk compensate for that? it lets you drive vehicles through an open world. which is cool, it sucks though that the open world is so fucking empty that you could just aswell use quickt travel everytime. yes the city look graphically impressive and was a huge treat for someone who loves cyberpunk but eventually you've driven through the city center for the fifth time and it stops being amazing.
I've played deus ex hr through on max difficulty 3 or 4 times, my second favourite game of all time as I'm often pumped to announce...

I think it's just pretty clear from what you've written that your priorities and preferences from the game were just different to mine. No more right or wrong of course. What you consider to be "the gameplay loop" makes up just a few percentage points of what i thought it was, you expected a lot more from the story than i did, and judged the game on it more than i did ...

I rarely read the "see more attached" messages, i usually just took what the fixers said over the phone and filled in the blanks as i went through, so for me those messages were superfluous too only i wasn't offended by it, i guess.

There is also a lot of variety in the missions, even if the way they're given to you isn't very clear.. i played the game for over 100 hours on this, my third reroll (another 100+ hours on the previous two) so i may have seen more of the random missions than you? A lot of them only unlock when you reach certain rep, etc, targets that the campaign alone probably won't fetch you.. one of the last missions you get as you near max rep is a Batmobile from a cave in the desert, it's pretty fun~

I dunno about bad loot, crafting, broken perks, that was all kind of fine for me, had no problems with any of it.

Yeah i think we are weighing different components of the game differently. No worries :)

Amazing but very, very flawed game. Still played it more than any other open world game to date.

Just downloaded it again last night because I miss Night City so much. Just wandering aroung is enough fun, because its designed so damn well.

Now do the other endings, OP

Panam's is the best one by far. You wont regret it.
so it shall be done

george c scott salute GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

I also didn't find the talking smartgun on that latest playthrough, i regret that
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The best part of combat are quickhacks. It is fun hijacking a camera and killing everybody while not even firing a shot or pulling out a blade.


weird just finished this last night after a months long haitus waiting for content and optimizations on PC . When they finally fixed SSR I decided to jump back in cause fuck it. I did the second ending that you did (Johnny) and was kind of underwhelmed. Overall solid game but ended flat and never stopped feeling like things were slapped together despite some amazing production values in the missions.

Had a lot of trouble connecting with most characters and often found my mind wandering when talking to most of them. Resent that they went with the zany GTA characterizations (with a bit more depth) and world building. I'm a sucker for the deus ex film noir approach to cyberpunk. In fact I wish it did a lot more like Deus Ex. HR and MR are so dense and atmospheric and I really preferred Jensen to V... everything in Cyberpunk holds you at a goofy/ironic arms length outside of the Judy storyline. Cyberpunk's open world also just feels empty and soulless compared to Deus Ex despite looking incredible at times.

Gameplay was fine and technically satisfying but I was insanely OP within 10 hours on the hardest difficulty and the braindead AI outside of cyberpsychos took a lot of the joy from it. Serious balancing issues. Still pretty fun moping up enemies.

I'd give it a 7/10... I want studios to remain ambitious but I had so many issues with the direction and execution despite some REALLY high highs and memorable main/side missions. Maybe I took too much time off before the last mission because looking back there was some great content in the first 2/3rds of the game. Maybe I'll try another run in a year when they've fleshed out the open world, added content and refined their game systems.


I never even finished the game. I just got progressively more tired of Johnny Silverdick, tired of the player character, I picked the chick and somewhere along the way she started to really annoy me. Those frequent UGGH IM SICK IM GONNA PASS OUT NOW moments toward the backend were tiresome. I guess those seem like minor issues, I pretty much got bored with the game is all.


To me the game went downhill in the main story department when Johnny Silverhand starts living in your head after an almost brilliant first act. The story should have been about a rise to power to the top of night city, Some of the side missions like the Judy and River quests plus Sinnerman were on the same level as the first act.


I never even finished the game. I just got progressively more tired of Johnny Silverdick, tired of the player character, I picked the chick and somewhere along the way she started to really annoy me. Those frequent UGGH IM SICK IM GONNA PASS OUT NOW moments toward the backend were tiresome. I guess those seem like minor issues, I pretty much got bored with the game is all.
i picked the girl first, too... i don't quite remember why... i think i thought i preferred her voice actor to the male one... I didn't like how the dude was kinda nasal and tetchy sounding, rather than, u know, badass... but then her idea of 'emotional talk' was to get husky, and yeah i got pretty tired of it. My second and third rerolls were both dudes.

This is a common theme, people hating on the core storyline and little else...

I think the difference between my take and those like yours is just that i didn't expect so much from the main storyline. Going in I thought that the open world play around Night City was what I was paying for - I didn't like the look of Kanunu Reeves and I really didn't like his script, cutting off the first few words of observational sentences.. "i think you might be wrong" becomming "think you might be wrong", stuff like that... Yeah, these characters were flawd as hell...

EDIT: I just wanna put the observation in here that I was basing these expectations off Witcher 3, which I also played overwhelmingly for the joy of exploring and resolving the world.. Of course, I can't deny that between gwent and the main story Witcher 3 is my #1 game OAT and Cyberpunk is more of a top 10 game, but yeah that's why I went into Cyberpunk will less interest in the main storyline.

... but like my interaction with them made up about 5% of my total game time.

So yeah, really hard for me to see people saying "ermagerd all the characters were really lame" and not just think "these guys gave it one shallow look at decided the forums were right"

I mean, I could be jumping to conclusions there, could be you played the game forever and I am just not aware of this, but I'm sure many, many people did the above and... I will always struggle to empathise with their takes.
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Lol, reading this thread is like stepping into some bizzaro world or alternate reality.

CP2077 is a great game with great progression system, missions and open world? Wtf, the game is completely broken when it comes to skills, leveling etc and overall difficulty with one of the worst AI ever that can't even react properly and can be easily cheesed. Not to mention linear as fuck with barely any variations in the story


Lol, reading this thread is like stepping into some bizzaro world or alternate reality.

CP2077 is a great game with great progression system, missions and open world? Wtf, the game is completely broken when it comes to skills, leveling etc and overall difficulty with one of the worst AI ever that can't even react properly and can be easily cheesed. Not to mention linear as fuck with barely any variations in the story
I'm sorry i think u were gonna type something useful but ur fingers slipped to ctrl and v
I liked it for like 18hrs then I got burnt out on it. The most fun I had was weaving in and out of traffic on Jackie’s motorcycle. I liked the AI cars side quest the most, though several glitches messed it up. Everything else was kinda meh. After 18 hours everything kinda felt like it was blurring together and I got bored.

Also I was trying to be creative with my build (went with revolvers and katanas and engineering) but both weapon classes seem to suck no matter how many skill points I pump up. Pistols especially. That also just made combat feel like a chore. I could’ve started a new character I suppose, but I didn’t want to redo my progress.

Thought it was clicking with me but I just lost interest fast at some point.
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I really wanted to enjoy this game, besides I'm a big cyberpunk-blade runner-Deus ex- fan but...... this game is some kind of a letdown.
First, I'm totally into the first person view, I really like the in-game music, awesome music (not the radio stations). But the game, at least in its PS5 version, is totally incomplete yet. My main issues are with the city itself......empty, I mean, EMPTY.
I'm waiting for a Next Gen Patch, which most probably is going to arrive mid-2022. So the wait for me is going to take a long time.


I did the Johnny Silver hands ending because I ended up getting really close with him, so my dialogue was constantly a probe of him to reveal more about himself. In the process, I ended up empathizing with him where a mutual trust was built between V and Johnny. I elected to have Johnny finish the score as a vendetta for what Arasaka did to him. It felt more like the end scene of the Matrix for me, where Neo goes back in to get Morpheus out of the building.

At the very end, I elected to have Johnny assume V's body because I felt now it would be the job of Johnny to save V from the prison, but it just ends on a cliffhanger of sorts.

There is no "good" ending. Even the Pam one doesn't answer the 6 months you have left to live.
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