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Who is on your personal Mt. Rushmore of gaming developers?


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
1. Neil Druckmann - Made 3 of my top 10 games of all time. Consistently pushing the medium forward with his emphasis on meaningful story. Shares the same values as me. Games are more than just "fun". The Last of Us Part 2 cemented his face firmly in the middle of my Mt Rushmore. Number 1 by a WIDE margin.

2. Ken Levine - Created the most incredible setting in gaming. Rapture.

3. Bruce Straley - Merges gameplay and story into one like no one else. Uncharted 2 formula lives on today and is in practically every single single player AAA game


I don't know many big names, i have to just list companies i like, at least aside from Sid meier... Rockstar, Guerilla, Ensemble Studios, *Wistful sigh* bioware, *Wistful sigh* blizzard

I know, my Rushmore is more like a collection of billboards, and it's one too many, but like I'd give the name of the people who drove those companies if i could.


That guy that built fortnite. Seriously, how do none of you have him on the list. He made gaming cool and not just for stupid nerds, and you all are acting like these nobodies you put on your lists have done shit, like seriously. Shigero Miyamotos made like two actually good games, but that was 25 years ago, gaming for like my dad but who cares.

Also Steve Jobs. If we didn't have the iphone, people would still be playing kids games on the nintendo wii. Gamings not for little babies anymore, okay?

And the guy that made the skyrim meme, but just because it made me laugh, I guess
I think fortnite would have made gaming fun if you entered puberty in about 2015
What games did the NES not have counters to?
Wonderboy III
Phantasy Star
Ninja Golf
Tower Toppler
Road Rash
Food Fight
Prince of Persia

Both systems could do real polygons too iirc. I think all NES has is Elite using some hardware trick.

In addition Atari wasn't slow and could have sprites of any size move at any speed in high number on screen.

Sega allowed you to put a lot of detail on large sprites and backgrounds without flicker and usually could move sprites faster than the NES too, both consoles are perfect for fast paced arcade games for this reason.

Even the 5200 could play Ballblazer and the NES barely can, it was one step forward and 5 steps back. It was only really good at one thing, which Sega did better until MMC 4 and 5. Then on the side you had the Amiga come out a year earlier and the NES hardware was just inexcusable. It even harder to go back and play NES now.

I fell you needed to grow up with it as a kid who had nothing else to forgive all the shortcomings. But all 3 consoles were underpowered, just NES was the worst of them.

I can post CV screens tell you they are from one of the 3 consoles and you won't be able to know I'm tricking you in many instances.
Wonderboy III
Phantasy Star
Ninja Golf
Tower Toppler
Road Rash
Food Fight
Prince of Persia

Both systems could do real polygons too iirc. I think all NES has is Elite using some hardware trick.

In addition Atari wasn't slow and could have sprites of any size move at any speed in high number on screen.

Sega allowed you to put a lot of detail on large sprites and backgrounds without flicker and usually could move sprites faster than the NES too, both consoles are perfect for fast paced arcade games for this reason.

Even the 5200 could play Ballblazer and the NES barely can, it was one step forward and 5 steps back. It was only really good at one thing, which Sega did better until MMC 4 and 5. Then on the side you had the Amiga come out a year earlier and the NES hardware was just inexcusable. It even harder to go back and play NES now.

I fell you needed to grow up with it as a kid who had nothing else to forgive all the shortcomings. But all 3 consoles were underpowered, just NES was the worst of them.

I can post CV screens tell you they are from one of the 3 consoles and you won't be able to know I'm tricking you in many instances.
Growing up, NES was my first system, YEARS later I played my Pop's old 2600 and easily close to 15 games or so on that system, but I didn't really make many comparison's as a kid when I first got a NES, I just wanted Mario and Castlevania and some Gusher's for my Friday nights. Interesting to learn that it didn't have counters to some of those games. I remember being blown away by Sonic 2 when I first saw it at a kiosk and became a Sega kid for a good while until we got a PlayStation, so it's interesting to learn from those that are more knowledgeable on the subject and then try and compare it to my memories of the time. I'll be your Guinea pig if you want to do a screenshot test. Could be fun.
Growing up, NES was my first system, YEARS later I played my Pop's old 2600 and easily close to 15 games or so on that system, but I didn't really make many comparison's as a kid when I first got a NES, I just wanted Mario and Castlevania and some Gusher's for my Friday nights. Interesting to learn that it didn't have counters to some of those games. I remember being blown away by Sonic 2 when I first saw it at a kiosk and became a Sega kid for a good while until we got a PlayStation, so it's interesting to learn from those that are more knowledgeable on the subject and then try and compare it to my memories of the time. I'll be your Guinea pig if you want to do a screenshot test. Could be fun.

First here is an example of a NES game:

Here is an example of a SMS game:

Here is an example of a 7800 game:

Knowing this, and CV being weaker than all 3, which of these 4 screenshots is a CV game?





Take a guess which of the 4 is a CV game.


1. Hideo Kojima
2. Yoko Taro
3. Neil Druckman ( yes I wrote it)

TLOU was already one of my all time favourites and Part 2 blew it away. I adore Part 2.


Some great choices here, me personally and thinking to those games that made me love gaming :

Shigeru Miyamoto - some games I can't remember
Gunpei Yokoi - Gameboy/Metroid
Alexey Pajitnov - Tetris
Sid Meir - Civilization
Todd Howard - Fallout/Elder Scrolls


Gold Member
I would say (only one from a single company):

Nolan Bushnell (Founder of Atari and father of North American video gaming market)

Gunpei Yokoi or Shigeru Miyamoto (Prominent Nintendo developers and fathers of the japanesers gaming market )

One of the four founders of Activision (David Crane, Alan Miller, Bob Whitehead and Jim Levy; fathers of independent developing)

And Will Wright (Founder of Electronic Arts and prominent father of computer gaming)
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5 faces of Phil for:
One for Gamepass
One for Great E3s
One for 12.4Tf
One for the 180s after the xbone release
One for a 300$ nextgen console

excited comedy GIF by CBC


Maybe you should read conversations before jumping into them?
It’s my thread, jackass. You started the conversation with me.

The thread is about which DEVELOPERS are on your personal Mount Rushmore. Have you even bothered naming yours or are you going to continue a 30 year old console war?
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No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
Shigeru Miyamoto because I think that’s obvious to anyone who plays games.

Richard Garriott aka Lord British aka The Godfather of RPGs and of MMORPGs.

John Carmack because DOOM and his brilliance

Hideo Kojima because he really is that creative and a legendary icon of video games as cinematic art.

Love this topic btw. It’s been great fun reading everyone’s ideas!

edit: Gabe Newell is honorable mention. He would definitely be my fifth head on the mountain.
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Kojima, From's Miyazaki, Miyamoto and Carmack are all owed a great debt
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Todd Howard - TES, Fallout, Starfield
Chris Avellone - Fallout New Vegas, PoE, KotOR 2
Rod Ferguson - Gears
Joe Staten - Halo
4) Mark Cerny - he brought Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games under his umbrella at Universal Games when they were 2 and 3 man studios and helped them work on early PlayStation titles, then went on to design the PS4 and PS5.

3) Jack Tramiel founder of Commodore Computers, the C64 is what properly started it all for me.

2) Shigeru Miyamoto - Legendary creator, Nintendo wouldnt be who they are today without him.

1) Ken Kutaragi - The father of the Playstation, without Ken gaming would never have become 'cool' the Playstation changed it all from being a nerds hobby to a mainstream entertainment industry.


If none of y'all are going to include Ralph Baer on your lists, none of them are valid to me.

#1 Ralph Baer - Video games creator. Maker of the Odyssey. Often called the father of video games.
#2 Shigeru Miyamoto - This is an easy one. Makers of Zelda, Mario, and countless more.
#3 John Carmack - Another easy one. Creator of Doom and forged the basis of the first person shooter.
#4 Nolan Bushnell - The man who plunged video games into the mainstream. Creator of the Atari 2600, PONG, and a multitude of other great games.

Honorable mentions:

#1 -Hironobu Sakaguchi -Creator of Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger and the man responsible bringing RPGs to the mainstream.
#2 - Hideo Kojima - Kojima's worth mentioning because of the themes of his games and the messages he tries to invoke in each game he makes. His focus on storytelling brings him into focus for me.
#3 - Will Wright - Simulation games mastermind. He created SimCity and of course, The Sims.
#4 - Gabe Newell - Perfected the first person shooter and for most games today are kind of the basis of how most FPS games play today. Also the man responsible for Steam.

This is the list. Boom.


Basically, the idea is "Who is your PERSONAL top 4-5 gaming developers? I'm not talking about companies. Repeat, I am not talking about companies. I'm talking about individuals who either programmed, produced, designed, engineered, or otherwise made video game software or hardware at some level. And I emphasized "personal" because this is about which developer legend has effected your life as a gamer the most- a list that is most likely never going to change in your lifetime.

*For non-Americans, Mt. Rushmore is a massive carving cut out of the side of a mountain of what is suppose to be four of our greatest presidents.

Here is my Mt. Rushmore of gaming devs:
5. Gabe Newell (half life, portal, left 4 dead, as well as Steam)
4. Hironobu Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, The Last Story)
3. Koji Kondo (composer for multiple Nintendo franchises)
2. John Carmack (Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Commander Keen lol, Occulus Rift)
1. Shigeru Miyamoto (If you don't know who this is, why are you here?)

* I have a ton of honorable mentions, but will wait to share those after others have shared. And yes, I know Mt. Rushmore only has four presidents. Originally, a 5th was planned, but either way, I want a top 5 dang it!

Great picks. I would replace Gabe Newell with Todd Howard though.. Otherwise solid


While the title says "gaming devloppers" all I see from my fellow Gaffers is mostly Game Designers and Game Directors.
Where is the Love for the Engineers that make it all possible.

I've decided to make my Mount Rushmore of only them.
Bonus round :

  • Ross Smith, Gary Tarolli and Scott Sellers ( Co Founder of 3D/fx, maker of the first 3D graphics cards)

Dont get Ralph Beyer, yeah he created one of the first machines that work on your TV but Fairchild is the one that created the console as we know it.
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Interesting dodge.

Fact is if you followed the conversation you jumped in you wouldn't have been confused.

Instead if realizing that you're now derailing your own thread extending this conversation
Because you had a SMS, a 7800, an ST, an C64, or an Amiga. All of which had actual games with evolution in game design instead of side scroller left right.

YOU started the conversation with ME. Someone else jumped in and further derailed the thread. Instead of answering a simple question you chose to be a dick.

Of course, even your first point is hilariously off-base. Name one game on the 7800 or SMS (that started on those systems) that has nearly the lasting impact that Miyamoto has. Hell, even the others you named don’t have the staying power that some of Miyamoto’s B sides have enjoyed.

Who cares if it was technically superior? This is not what this thread is about. Now, let me ask, oh knowledgeable one, who’s on your Mt Rushmore?
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Good topic. Let's see... For me personally...

Tetsuya Mizuguchi -- From Space Channel 5 to Rez to Tetris Effect, this guy pioneered a whole new style of presentation and sound design and still does it better than anyone.

Yu Suzuki -- While his best days are behind him, his legacy is undeniable. Space Harrier, Out Run, After Burner, Virtua Fighter and Shenmue. Quite simply the greatest arcade designer of all time.

Tim Schafer -- Worked on some of the funniest, smartest adventure games ever, and then started a new dev who continue to turn out fantastically creative and original games. One of the best writers in the biz too.

Masato Maegawa -- Not just as a director, but as a producer and studio head, someone who knows how to find and nurture talent and trust them to take chances on their ideas.
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