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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Here it is.

A little preview:

6841 tctatgccga ctactatagc aaagaatact gttaagagtg tcggtaaatt ttgtctagag
6901 gcttcattta attatttgaa gtcacctaat ttttctaaac tgataaatat tataatttgg
6961 tttttactat taagtgtttg cctaggttct ttaatctact caaccgctgc tttaggtgtt
7021 ttaatgtcta atttaggcat gccttcttac tgtactggtt acagagaagg ctatttgaac
7081 tctactaatg tcactattgc aacctactgt actggttcta taccttgtag tgtttgtctt
7141 agtggtttag attctttaga cacctatcct tctttagaaa ctatacaaat taccatttca
All i see is a white paper with lots of jargon on it. I'm asking for physical proof that it exists...Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. Object means it is physical...no matter how small. So we have telescopes than can alledgedly see trillions of light years away but no electron microscopes that can physically idenitfy a virus.

I don't mean the cartoon representations you see on the tv either.

Joe T.

More on the Great Barrington Declaration from the American Council on Science and Health:

The authors refer to their approach as "Focused Protection," the gist of which is "to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk." Not that this really matters (because public health policy shouldn't be a popularity contest), but more than 10,000 scientists and medical practitioners have signed it.

Are the authors right? I certainly think so. Back in May, we reported on a Swedish epidemiologist who believed that lockdowns did nothing other than delay the inevitable; i.e., they simply push new infections down the timeline. Therefore, while lockdowns can be useful to avoid overwhelming hospital bed capacity, they may not lower the overall number of cases. In other words, we're destroying the economy while essentially accomplishing nothing.

Not all criticisms of the declaration are legitimate. Matt Reynolds, the science editor at Wired UK, wrote that "there is little about the Great Barrington Declaration that feels convincingly scientific." Of course, granted that he has absolutely zero training in science, it's difficult to know how Mr. Reynolds can tell when something "feels" scientific enough. (His bachelor's degree in English apparently offers no help here.)

As if to prove that he has no business writing about science, Mr. Reynolds goes on to compare the argument made by the infectious disease researchers to those made by tobacco companies. The point he is trying to make is that there is no actual debate; only those with a nefarious agenda could possibly support the Declaration. That is such a nasty and obnoxious smear that it's not even worth addressing, and it's frankly embarrassing that Wired can't find a better science editor.

“It’s the first time we’ve seen this as ethicists,” she said. “It’s not science that seems to be leading what’s going on with COVID, it’s public opinion and politics.”

Part of a group of Quebec scientists speaking out against the province’s lockdown measures, she said what’s happening right now in Quebec — and indeed other provinces — isn’t having the desired effect.

“We need to protect the vulnerable, but right now in Quebec they’re not protected,” she said.

The goal of zero cases by “cutting the curve” is neither realistic nor scientific, she said.

Joe T.

Covid-19 internment camps?

The contract's apparently going to be handed out to a third party by March 31st, federal government's .pdf for it is here, and hopefully it has nothing to do with this:

On a different note, seems the pro-maskers are the violent ones up here:

"(Terrebonne) The business of a Laval police officer who was assigned to "administrative work" this week after publicly questioning the severity of the pandemic was the target of an apparently arson fire late Thursday evening." -La Press

This week, the Laval Police Department confined the policeman to administrative work after he said on Facebook that the pandemic and health control measures are "a false government masquerade" in which he no longer wants to participate.

I watched the video he put out earlier this week where he announced he was retiring because he didn't want to enforce the government orders (mask/distancing fines, detainment) and he didn't sound at all like the crazy conspiracy theorist the major outlets are making him out to be. Appears the attempt to silence dissenting voices has gone well beyond simple censorship.
All i see is a white paper with lots of jargon on it. I'm asking for physical proof that it exists...Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. Object means it is physical...no matter how small. So we have telescopes than can alledgedly see trillions of light years away but no electron microscopes that can physically idenitfy a virus.

I don't mean the cartoon representations you see on the tv either.

The wiki page has an electron microscope image. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus_disease_2019

Joe T.

The wiki page has an electron microscope image. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus_disease_2019

An interesting, in-depth piece from a web site that looks questionable at first glance so grain of salt and all, but they go over this very issue about the supposed isolation of the virus:

(And yes, we are aware of the many publications wherein authors claim to have “isolated the virus”. We’ve looked at numerous such studies and have yet to see one where they actually did so. Claiming to have done something and actually doing it are sometimes 2 different things, even in peer-reviewed science. And yes we are aware of the many published alleged “SARS-COV-2 genomes” – these were in fact manufactured, not discovered. And yes we are aware that EM photos have been published, allegedly of “the virus”, however a photo of something does not tell you what the thing is, where it came from or what it does. One has to scrutinize the METHODS used to “isolate the virus” / obtain said photos / obtain alleged genomes, and that is when absolutely everything falls apart with “COVID-19”.)

Regarding Health Canada specifically… despite:

  • the fact that a virus that has never been isolated has also never been sequenced or shown scientifically to be the cause of any illness;
  • the fact that COVID-19 diagnostic “tests” (PCR “tests”) are sequence-based;
  • the fact that the entire country has been under lock-down and Canadians have experienced a mind-boggling level of disruption and devastation over an alleged deadly “novel coronavirus”;
  • having authorized 51 clinical trials for “COVID-19” drugs and vaccines as of July 19, 2020; and
  • being the sole authorizing authority for “COVID-19” testing devices imported or sold in Canada, and having already authorized 26 “COVID-19” medical devices;
Health Canada has apparently seen no need to ensure that “the deadly virus” has actually been isolated from a patient sample by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet, and has no records indicating that it has been.

Virus isolation and other basic “COVID-19” science is simply an article of faith with Health Canada.


Rocco Galati, the constitutional lawyer suing the Canadian government, has also been driving home the point that isolation, purification and replication of the virus isn't on record anywhere despite what's been publicly reported from Toronto and elsewhere. New Zealand, Australia, the UK and others have also failed to provide documentation.

One of the first search results that Google brings up for "records of sars-cov-2 isolation" comes from pnas.org and states that "TMPRSS2-expressing VeroE6 cell line is highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection, making it useful for isolating and propagating SARS-CoV-2." So the criticism applies, the virus wasn't isolated from a diseased patient.


Gold Member
Sadiq Khan: further Covid restrictions in London ‘inevitable’
Mayor says new measures to curb infections will be capital-wide rather than by borough

Hey remember when everyone swore up and down that nobody was going to do more lockdowns? How we all know it is a dumb idea, ineffective, doesn't do what they said it would, and killed the economy? How long did that last?

We reached a state where politicians and the NPC public believe a state of total lockdown is the default, and any openings are a conditional gift from the politicians, to be revoked whenever they think we've been naughty. It's a shocking state of affairs especially for people who thought themselves to be free.

It doesn't matter if they don't work. It doesn't matter if the costs outweigh the benefits. We lock down because we have to lock down.
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Has there been anything close to an overwhelmed ICU because of COVID in the UK though? That's the thing that frustrates me, the lockdown maniacs always talk about muh collapsed health system, but it just seems more theoretical than anything, with the possible exception of Italy, but Italy barely functions on a good day. And it happened in Italy when we really had no idea how to treat people - we can do it much better now. Even when cases were exploding in CA/FL/TX in the summer, we didn't really have this problem, outside of a few small border hospitals, where people theorized that Mexicans were coming over for the better American treatment. I don't remember a single picture of an overwhelmed California hospital, and if there were, we would have seen it. And, of course - Sweden. Bottom line, I think everything points to the fact that we can indeed handle this virus moving through the population as it is going to do.
From the fact that a threat is theoretical, it doesn't follow that we don't have reason to be concerned about it.

Here are two possibilities:

1.) The fact that deaths and hospitalisations peaked in the UK had nothing to do with the lockdown (and would have happened anyway). Rather, the virus burnt out, after running out of hosts to infect.
2.) The lockdown caused the virus to peak earlier than it would have done if left to run through the population.

If 1.) is true, the incidence of the virus should not now be increasing.
If 2.) is true, we don't know what the "true" peak of the virus actually is.

There's no reason to expect the outcomes to remain the same when the circumstances have changed a great deal since the start of the year. I'd like to hope the level of fear has come down somewhat even for the poor souls that are exclusively getting their information from the mainstream sources because we know for a fact treatments are being used now that weren't in March/April and, at the very least, they're shortening hospital stays. There was a rush to throw every serious case on ventilators early on, questionably skipping over oxygen masks altogether in some cases, and that doesn't seem to be the case at all right now.

It's inexcusable to me that the news media and elected leaders are still trusted by the general public when they're both working so hard to obscure the full picture. Just yesterday the municipal government here and the news media were directly contradicting each other on one of the most important factors behind the overwhelming majority of Canada's deaths, that long term care facilities/old age homes are "now under control." You can trust the public health officials in government, you can trust the news media or the doctors they invite on air, but you can't trust them all when they're in direct opposition to each other.

Anyone still asking "Why don't people trust the experts?" is either very out of touch or lucky enough to live in a corner of the world where this piss poor reporting isn't tolerated and normalized.
I am not talking about the outcomes of the coronavirus but the outcomes of all other diseases, which are well understood. The health system is built on the idea the incidence of particular diseases is stable over time, or change in predictable ways (eg. seasonally). So given this we can look at an accelerating death rate and say this isn't normal. And my point was that this applies, however we are measuring the death rate. Even if we are including deaths that aren't actually caused by coronavirus, those deaths should still follow the known pattern. Think about the limit case where 100% of coronavirus deaths are faked, and the cause is always something else. Then we would expect the death statistics to look just like any other year!

Now maybe you think the pattern of deaths is due to the lockdown itself, and has nothing to do with coronavirus cases. In which case we should expect to see deaths peak during the lockdown period and not when cases are increasing. (Well is that what we see?)

As see it, we don't need to invoke "experts" at all, but rather statistical arguments, founded in evidence. Statistics is the science of reaching conclusions out of uncertainty. And the best way to be objective is to accept uncertainty.


Gold Member
From the fact that a threat is theoretical, it doesn't follow that we don't have reason to be concerned about it.

Here are two possibilities:

1.) The fact that deaths and hospitalisations peaked in the UK had nothing to do with the lockdown (and would have happened anyway). Rather, the virus burnt out, after running out of hosts to infect.
2.) The lockdown caused the virus to peak earlier than it would have done if left to run through the population.

If 1.) is true, the incidence of the virus should not now be increasing.
If 2.) is true, we don't know what the "true" peak of the virus actually is.

It's one thing to be concerned about it, it is quite another to treat it like absolute 100% reality that can only be avoided by destroying the economy and forcing people to stay inside. First of all, it's not even close to absolute 100% reality. As I have said over and over, places like NYC saw possibly millions of infections unchecked, without healthcare system collapse, and other states saw significant peaks, with patchwork lockdown and enforcement (Texas never shut down indoor dining entirely, IIRC) again without healthcare system collapse. Two, analyses have mostly come to the conclusion that lockdowns do more harm than good.

Lengthly lockdowns of the sort all non-Sweden countries experienced basically kicked the can down the road. We all know that. The virus was always going to return. We were all going to have to deal with spikes, either they are done now or they are done later. It was my understanding that lockdowns were essentially buying time to prep for that reality, yet somewhere down the line, they became the baseline, default response to an increase in cases (as defined by positive results on a dodgy test). This is the true absurdity of the situation. Especially when they trot out the "manage hospital capacity" line again - umm what the fuck were they doing for 7 months? What happened to getting prepared?

Quite clear by now that lockdowns are a CYA move from politicians, aided by a scared populace who has been conditioned to see lockdowns as the default action.
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Hey remember when everyone swore up and down that nobody was going to do more lockdowns? How we all know it is a dumb idea, ineffective, doesn't do what they said it would, and killed the economy? How long did that last?

We reached a state where politicians and the NPC public believe a state of total lockdown is the default, and any openings are a conditional gift from the politicians, to be revoked whenever they think we've been naughty. It's a shocking state of affairs especially for people who thought themselves to be free.

It doesn't matter if they don't work. It doesn't matter if the costs outweigh the benefits. We lock down because we have to lock down.
I don't think it will be a full lockdown again. It will likely involve the closure of pubs and restaurants and some other extra restrictions similar to what's being planned for the north of England.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Gold Member
I don't think it will be a full lockdown again. It will likely involve the closure of pubs and restaurants and some other extra restrictions similar to what's being planned for the north of England.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Closure of pubs and restaurants is a lockdown, man. Just partial instead of full.

It also accomplishes nothing.

Joe T.

I am not talking about the outcomes of the coronavirus but the outcomes of all other diseases, which are well understood. The health system is built on the idea the incidence of particular diseases is stable over time, or change in predictable ways (eg. seasonally). So given this we can look at an accelerating death rate and say this isn't normal. And my point was that this applies, however we are measuring the death rate. Even if we are including deaths that aren't actually caused by coronavirus, those deaths should still follow the known pattern. Think about the limit case where 100% of coronavirus deaths are faked, and the cause is always something else. Then we would expect the death statistics to look just like any other year!

Now maybe you think the pattern of deaths is due to the lockdown itself, and has nothing to do with coronavirus cases. In which case we should expect to see deaths peak during the lockdown period and not when cases are increasing. (Well is that what we see?)

As see it, we don't need to invoke "experts" at all, but rather statistical arguments, founded in evidence. Statistics is the science of reaching conclusions out of uncertainty. And the best way to be objective is to accept uncertainty.

There's no disagreement on the excess death point, that's just common sense, but that's taking the focus away from the cause and instead focusing on the result.

Those excess deaths are in large part a result of our failed response from top to bottom. It's difficult to know who deserves to be blamed because it was a cascading effect that began with the incredibly irresponsible, panic-fueling media coverage. The fear in big cities was palpable and inescapable in the early days, a danger to those who were already suffering from anxiety and those in need of critical health care just for starters.

There were stories of healthy 30-somethings walking into hospitals with little more than what they thought was heavy breathing, something they probably wouldn't have ever taken note of without the media hysteria, and they never walked out because they were rushed onto ventilators. Hospitals became virtually untouchable since this pandemic began so there's no legal recourse and that alone is frustrating. The same applied (still applies?) to nursing homes in New York.

Fear is the invisible enemy, kill it and the pandemic vanishes.


IMF did research and a strict lockdown is better than what USA and Europe are doing , economies recover faster after a strict lockdown ...

Told you guys 🤣

Look at Wuhan partying and producing stuff .

It’s all about bringing the virus so low that it can be controlled , never happened in the EU and US.

8-12 weeks full lockdown please 🤡

Joe T.

IMF did research and a strict lockdown is better than what USA and Europe are doing , economies recover faster after a strict lockdown ...
Lockdowns work in countries where the population has an intelligence above 'I can't see it so it does not exist'

Sit through this easy to understand video for a while and soak it all in, US comes up about midway through:
Lock downs and masks had practically no impact.

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IMF did research and a strict lockdown is better than what USA and Europe are doing , economies recover faster after a strict lockdown ...

Told you guys 🤣

Look at Wuhan partying and producing stuff .

It’s all about bringing the virus so low that it can be controlled , never happened in the EU and US.

8-12 weeks full lockdown please 🤡
I unfortunately do not have enough time to argue in this thread all the time, but this post is incredibly ignorant.

First of all, there is no way possible to know the extent of economic impact anywhere yet. You can only evaluate that in a good way after enough time has passed (and it still will be based on sketchy reported numbers from some countries).

The only reason you want to come to this conclusion already is that you for some reason have already decided what has to be done and do not seem to be open to any discussion on the matter.

Second. The reason for the economic impact in countries is not the virus, it is the terrible handling globally of lockdowns and fear. The only reason Swedens economy is heavily impacted first half of the year is the lockdown in OTHER countries. Export heavy countries will have a hard time selling their products when other countries are sitting at home not buying things except essentials.

If other countries had followed Swedens approach with "soft-lockdown" (I guess the Dutch did some sort of "smart-lockdown" also?) and tried to have their schools/workforce up and running as much as possible then the economic impact would have been minimal. And of course not closing borders, that seems like a bad idea.

It is important for everyone's well being that the public is not living in fear, they need to trust things like child-care, schooling, shopping centers to be able to go on with their lives. It is the only way to keep improving things for everyone globally (which is what "the economy" actually does).


Gold Member
Revealed: average age of Covid fatalities in UK is 82.

The researchers also found that about six in every 1,000 infections now result in death, down from about 30 in every 1,000 in June.

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Unconfirmed Member
The virus hasn't changed a damn thing. Corporations are still using China for work and people are buying (perishables) while denouncing said country. Worst of all Halloween is fucking ruined.

Sons of bitches!
The virus hasn't changed a damn thing. Corporations are still using China for work and people are buying (perishables) while denouncing said country. Worst of all Halloween is fucking ruined.

Sons of bitches!
Not in my community. We already decided we are doing it. My kids are going trick-or-treating. What? Are the cops going to come shut it down? There’s no explicit rule against it. I’m not even sure how you could make one.
Revealed: average age of Covid fatalities in UK is 82.

The researchers also found that about six in every 1,000 infections now result in death, down from about 30 in every 1,000 in June.

I think it is fairly obvious at this point that this disease is about 4-5 times as bad as the flu. Except it also doesn’t have a vaccine or any established immunity, meaning way more people can contract it. So there is the potential that large numbers of people require hospitalization all at once. The vast vast majority of people that get really sick are either old or chronically ill. There will be outliers of course.

The real point is, this disease is not so far removed from anything we have ever dealt with before. It’s a bad flu. At risk people should be very careful. The rest of us can move through our lives without fear and we should.


former Navy SEAL
IMF did research and a strict lockdown is better than what USA and Europe are doing , economies recover faster after a strict lockdown ...

Told you guys 🤣

Look at Wuhan partying and producing stuff .

It’s all about bringing the virus so low that it can be controlled , never happened in the EU and US.

8-12 weeks full lockdown please 🤡

Argentina's locked down since March and hasn't stopped. Their deaths per capita put them at 17th worst among all nations, three down from Sweden who had no lockdown and no masks. You're spreading misinformation and that misinformation spread is extremely damaging not just economically, but in terms of health and mental health consequences, as well. Clown, indeed.


I unfortunately do not have enough time to argue in this thread all the time, but this post is incredibly ignorant.

First of all, there is no way possible to know the extent of economic impact anywhere yet. You can only evaluate that in a good way after enough time has passed (and it still will be based on sketchy reported numbers from some countries).

The only reason you want to come to this conclusion already is that you for some reason have already decided what has to be done and do not seem to be open to any discussion on the matter.

Second. The reason for the economic impact in countries is not the virus, it is the terrible handling globally of lockdowns and fear. The only reason Swedens economy is heavily impacted first half of the year is the lockdown in OTHER countries. Export heavy countries will have a hard time selling their products when other countries are sitting at home not buying things except essentials.

If other countries had followed Swedens approach with "soft-lockdown" (I guess the Dutch did some sort of "smart-lockdown" also?) and tried to have their schools/workforce up and running as much as possible then the economic impact would have been minimal. And of course not closing borders, that seems like a bad idea.

It is important for everyone's well being that the public is not living in fear, they need to trust things like child-care, schooling, shopping centers to be able to go on with their lives. It is the only way to keep improving things for everyone globally (which is what "the economy" actually does).
You are the ones that are that are ignorant, pretending there is nothing wrong wanting and wanting to do all kinds of things , because you think you earned it , instead of looking at the bigger picture .. and help each other as a global society in a global pandemic.

Every time mentioning Sweden which is a isolated part of the world and has even more dead’s percentage on 100.000 than most countries in Europe 🤣 and even there numbers are rising now.

As I am being Dutch , the Netherlands it’s starting to look like we failed , infections are at a all time high and people in need of regular health care can’t get it because hospitals have to much Covid victims , which are now around 50 years old in the hospitals ..

And the reason is aofcourse the virus because before there was Covid there was nothing of all this 🤡

And I discussed enough but this thread is now filled with people like you , the rest left this thread . People that ignore there is a pandemic 😷 are prolonging it... instead.

Lockdown is only option to restart fast !

Have a nice fall and winter 🤡
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Argentina's locked down since March and hasn't stopped. Their deaths per capita put them at 17th worst among all nations, three down from Sweden who had no lockdown and no masks. You're spreading misinformation and that misinformation spread is extremely damaging not just economically, but in terms of health and mental health consequences, as well. Clown, indeed.
Sweden has only 5 million people on a large ass land .. Argentina 44 million what ya think ? 🤡
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You are the ones that are that are ignorant, pretending there is nothing wrong wanting and wanting to do all kinds of things , because you think you earned it , instead of looking at the bigger picture .. and help each other as a global society in a global pandemic.

Every ten mention Sweden which is a isolated part of the world and has even more dead’s percentage on 100.000 than most countries in Europe 🤣 and even there numbers are rising now.

As I am being Dutch , the Netherlands it’s starting to look like we failed , infections are at a all time high and people in need of regular health care can’t get it because hospitals have to much Covid victims , which are now around 50 years old in the hospitals ..

And the reason is aofcourse the virus because before there was Covid there was nothing of all this 🤡

And I discussed enough but this thread is now filled with people like you , the rest left this thread . People that ignore there is a pandemic 😷 are plenging it...

Have a nice fall and winter 🤡
Dry your tears and get back to living, chicken little. The sky is still up there and we’ll manage through. Humanity has made it through far worse. Stop being a coward.


You are the ones that are that are ignorant, pretending there is nothing wrong wanting and wanting to do all kinds of things , because you think you earned it , instead of looking at the bigger picture .. and help each other as a global society in a global pandemic.

Every time mentioning Sweden which is a isolated part of the world and has even more dead’s percentage on 100.000 than most countries in Europe 🤣 and even there numbers are rising now.

As I am being Dutch , the Netherlands it’s starting to look like we failed , infections are at a all time high and people in need of regular health care can’t get it because hospitals have to much Covid victims , which are now around 50 years old in the hospitals ..

And the reason is aofcourse the virus because before there was Covid there was nothing of all this 🤡

And I discussed enough but this thread is now filled with people like you , the rest left this thread . People that ignore there is a pandemic 😷 are prolonging it... instead.

Lockdown is only option to restart fast !

Have a nice fall and winter 🤡
You did not even bother to argue any points in this, you where to busy trying to paint everyone here as pandemic deniers.

From your replies I doubt you understand the "bigger picture". You completely ignore the impacts of the economic downturns caused by fear, showing a lack of understanding about how it impacts especially the less privilaged (both individuals in the rich countries and in poor, as in less rich, trading partners countries).

This has nothing to do with ignoring a very serious virus, but with minimizing the overall harm.

Sweden has only 5 million people on a large ass land .. Argentina 44 million what ya think ? 🤡
Sweden has >10 million and Argentina is actualy one of the sparsesd populated places on earth (a lot less people per land than even Sweden).


If you want to copy China dont count asymptomatic cases and dont pay for each case. In China if you had cases you didnt get money you got fired or demoted.


It's one thing to be concerned about it, it is quite another to treat it like absolute 100% reality that can only be avoided by destroying the economy and forcing people to stay inside. First of all, it's not even close to absolute 100% reality. As I have said over and over, places like NYC saw possibly millions of infections unchecked, without healthcare system collapse, and other states saw significant peaks, with patchwork lockdown and enforcement (Texas never shut down indoor dining entirely, IIRC) again without healthcare system collapse. Two, analyses have mostly come to the conclusion that lockdowns do more harm than good.
Texas closed eat in service at restaurants as part of the initial stay at home order, and then allowed it to re-open at 25% after the order lapsed, and eventually at 75%. Following the surge in cases over the summer, bars were closed, restaurant capacity was limited to 50%, and gatherings were limited to 10 people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Texas). It looks like bars are opening again next week (https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/07/texas-bars-reopen-greg-abbott/).

You can totally believe that lockdowns (or other kinds of restrictions) aren't the right solution, but you can't believe both that they don't affect transmission of the virus (are useless, don't do anything), and that that they merely stop the spread of virus temporarily (kick the can down the road). Either they work in the short term or they don't. You can't have it both ways.

If you think they don't do anything, and the virus will spread just as well whether they are in place or not, and so – absent some other factor – the peaks in the virus must be attributed to the virus burning itself out. That was the conclusion a few months ago about cities like New York, London, right? Well, if that's the case then the incidence of the virus shouldn't be increasing, since it has already run out of hosts to infect. In fact, it shouldn't even be flat, since as soon as R goes below 1 cases will be decreasing all the time, and the peak of the virus is where R is 1!

If you think that lockdowns do work, but merely kick the can down the road, then that means that we don't know what the true peak of the virus would have been like if the lockdowns weren't implemented. So we can't point to cases where we had a full or partial lockdown and healthcare capacity wasn't overwhelmed as evidence that it is fine to let the virus run through the population. This would be like arguing that it was pointless to call the fire service, since after they arrived your house didn't burn down.

I think a reasonable argument would be that there is a significant chance the health care system will get overwhelmed, but it is worth taking the risk, given the economic costs of closing down the economy again. Or that there is a better solution to stop the spread of the virus in the first place. To me, the last approach is exactly what Sweden is doing since they are not denying the threat of the virus and even appear to be accelerating their tracing program to prevent a second wave.

Joe T.

You are the ones that are that are ignorant
Sweden has only 5 million people on a large ass land .. Argentina 44 million what ya think ? 🤡

I guess in your world Sweden got a visit from Thanos.


You didn't watch a second of the video I presented above. It's empirical data you can look up yourself, Netherlands included, which he compares year over year from a variety of countries. When you zoom out like that and compare it to this year it becomes easy to see what's going on and why the lock down measures aren't helping anyone.

Sweden fell for the PCR test trap like almost everyone else, but they've handled this far better than everyone else. South Korea was hoisted on a pedestal under false pretenses, the news made everyone think their testing capacity was much higher than anywhere else in the world - except it wasn't.

According to OurWorldInData: "As the outbreak escalated, approximately 600 testing centers were established to screen people efficiently and outside of the health system, with testing capacity reaching 15,000 to 20,000 tests per day." That's peanuts in a country of 51 million, but all the news outlets claimed "the mass testing helped them keep the virus contained." In hindsight that was ridiculously misleading spin, but most of us bought it back then and it became weaponized against the US and others. I'm willing to bet they weren't using 35 cycles or higher with those PCR tests either.

I'm going to start sounding like a broken record, but there's no shortage of doctors/scientists claiming testing above 30 or even 24 cycles is too high. A lot of places are testing at 30 cycles or more which returns too many positive results where as many as 90-95% of them aren't infectious at all.

As a good example out of Canada for how this PCR testing method can affect outcomes, Quebec's deriving its positive results between 37-40 cycles while Ontario's labs are doing it between 24 and 30 cycles if I remember right. Quebec's health officials this week said they can't understand why Ontario has fewer cases reported, but the answer is right in front of their faces - these people are not "experts," they're either disappointments or criminals.


Gold Member
Texas closed eat in service at restaurants as part of the initial stay at home order, and then allowed it to re-open at 25% after the order lapsed, and eventually at 75%. Following the surge in cases over the summer, bars were closed, restaurant capacity was limited to 50%, and gatherings were limited to 10 people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Texas). It looks like bars are opening again next week (https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/07/texas-bars-reopen-greg-abbott/).

Yes I am talking about their reopening and post-riot surge. They never shut down indoor dining, even as they dealt with a rise in cases that, on paper at least, was far above what they had in Spring.

You can totally believe that lockdowns (or other kinds of restrictions) aren't the right solution, but you can't believe both that they don't affect transmission of the virus (are useless, don't do anything), and that that they merely stop the spread of virus temporarily (kick the can down the road). Either they work in the short term or they don't. You can't have it both ways.

If the goal is to stop the virus from transmitting, then lockdowns are useless and don't do anything. In fact they do worse than nothing, because they have incredible collateral damage while not stopping the virus from transmitting. Now, if your goal is to temporarily slow down transmission so you can get your system ready, then they can work for a very short time (2-4 weeks max, which was the original plan), but once you get past that, it's just a waste of time. There's absolutely no point to locking down any longer than that.

I don't think anyone can doubt at this point the lockdowns they are talking about are rooted in CYA fear and panic as opposed to sound science and data. This endless lockdown-reopen partially-lockdown cycle is just destroying the economy, destroying peoples' mental health, and not even slowing down the virus at this point. I also think these patchwork lockdowns like they're talking about in the UK *ARE* useless and will not do anything at all.
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Not really interested in conspiracy theories friend, you asked for proof on something and I gave it to you.
A thoughly researched book breaking down the corruption within the pharmacuetical industry going back decades with research conducted by nobel laureates, virologists and epidemiologists = conspiracy theory. Quality Lionel ,look forward to your future input.

As for your proof....very well debunked in that conspiracy theory comic i posted. You might learn something if you read it you never know?


If the goal is to stop the virus from transmitting, then lockdowns are useless and don't do anything. In fact they do worse than nothing, because they have incredible collateral damage while not stopping the virus from transmitting. Now, if your goal is to temporarily slow down transmission so you can get your system ready, then they can work for a very short time (2-4 weeks max, which was the original plan), but once you get past that, it's just a waste of time. There's absolutely no point to locking down any longer than that.
Does slowing down transmission mean keep the transmission rate at (or below) 1?
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