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Trans actress Josie Totah cast in lead role of ‘Saved by the Bell’ reboot


Feel like 99% of the time i see a trans actor it is always MtF. Is this just a case of men dominating traditional male spaces, but doing so through the guide of modern biology-denying feminism?

Just fucking sucks that Lisa Turtle gonna get left behind
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Feel like 99% of the time i see a trans actor it is always MtF. Is this just a case of men dominating traditional male spaces, but doing so through the guide of modern biology-denying feminism?

Just fucking sucks that Lisa Turtle gonna get left behind

People are gonna come around to my theory eventually. They’re the weak males who can’t compete in the masculine hierarchy so they transition and compete in the feminine hierarchy.
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I can't wait for the very special episode where the White kid is bigoted towards the trans character. I'll make sure to have tissues on hand in case I start crying.
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I suspect he’s not wrong in this case though. Looks more like one of the obnoxious narcissistic types of trans than the ones with gender dysphoria who just want to go about their lives in peace.

I don't know them well enough to make an assumption. I've never seen her do...anything, sooo...
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I'm just waiting for the blind people to arrive and remind us all that there is nothing to see here.
I don’t like the tone of this thread.

Like, I don’t really see anything to make fun of unless you hate trans people? If she doesn’t do well in the role, then by all means criticize her acting when the show comes out.


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I don't know them well enough to make an assumption. I've never seen her do...anything, sooo...

But you’re a human. You have pattern recognition capabilities. You can google her name and see all the photos of her making obnoxious sneering faces with problem glasses on and make an educated guess. You can also see her monkey cut and rejection of traditional feminine beauty standards.
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People are gonna come around to my theory eventually. They’re the weak males who can’t compete in the masculine hierarchy so they transition and compete in the feminine hierarchy.

Aren't you the guy who believes that therapy is feminism, seeking to feminize men by encouraging them to talk out their feelings.
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It's obviously someone attention whoring by saying they're trans. Just look at all the attention it's already gotten "her". It's a career move from a kid piggybacking on the invent-a-gender bullshit that is somehow a thing now.

Or, some men just wanna be like all of the other bitches, they wanna be a female and they're motivated enough in life to become an actor too. Good for them.

You don't need all of these elaborate conspiracy theories that get thought up and grow, but are still fiction from birth till dust.
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Or, some men just wanna be like all of the other bitches, they wanna be a female and they're motivated enough in life to become an actor too. Good for them.

You don't need all of these elaborate conspiracy theories that get thought up and grow, but are still fiction from birth till dust.
It's not anything close to a conspiracy theory. Unless you have actual medical gender dysphoria there's no excuse to call yourself transgender and dress up like a woman. It's disrespectful to people with real gender dysphoria, and in the long term does more harm than good as far as them gaining acceptance.
It's not anything close to a conspiracy theory. Unless you have actual medical gender dysphoria there's no excuse to call yourself transgender and dress up like a woman. It's disrespectful to people with real gender dysphoria, and in the long term does more harm than good as far as them gaining acceptance.

Okay. But there's a tiny little problem. People won't stop doing it. So now what?


From her own interview

This is not something that just happened. This is not a choice that I made. When I was five, long before I understood what the word gender meant, I would always tell my mother that I wished I were a girl. Since I could speak in full sentences, I was like, “Give me a dress!” I always knew on some level that I was female. But it crystallized about three years ago when I was a 14-year-old watching the show I Am Jazz with my mother.

The docuseries was about another 14-year-old, Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl who was going through a medical transition. As I learned more information about hormone replacement therapy, I knew that this was what I had to do. I looked over at her in the middle of the show and said, “This is me. I’m transgender. And I need to go through this.” My mother, who is immensely supportive and gracious, said, “Okay, let’s do it.” Three days later I was meeting with my pediatrician, who referred me to a specialist, who put me on a hormone blocker. From that point on, I hit the ground running.

So watched a TV show and decided to become Trans because when she was young she liked dresses. Then saw a "specialist" who gave her drugs and then hit the ground running.

But at least she isn't type cast as the gay boy anymore.
User permanently removed from thread. While the users on this forum you are trolling have pretty thick skin, dial it back on derogatory insults. It’s okay to be gay.
Fuck off, smoothbrain

Therapy is militant feminism...

You seem not to like it here. It must be weird hanging around somewhere you hate so much.

Live a little and stop restoring to the same canned troll responses. I don't wanna hear this remark even one more time. If you do, you're gay.


Unconfirmed Member
Live a little and stop restoring to the same canned troll responses. I don't wanna hear this remark even one more time. If you do, you're gay.

So you’re not going to answer why you’r you spend your time somewhere you hate insulting everyone and then wondering why they don’t like you much. Cool, glad we established that.


From her own interview

This is not something that just happened. This is not a choice that I made. When I was five, long before I understood what the word gender meant, I would always tell my mother that I wished I were a girl. Since I could speak in full sentences, I was like, “Give me a dress!” I always knew on some level that I was female. But it crystallized about three years ago when I was a 14-year-old watching the show I Am Jazz with my mother.

The docuseries was about another 14-year-old, Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl who was going through a medical transition. As I learned more information about hormone replacement therapy, I knew that this was what I had to do. I looked over at her in the middle of the show and said, “This is me. I’m transgender. And I need to go through this.” My mother, who is immensely supportive and gracious, said, “Okay, let’s do it.” Three days later I was meeting with my pediatrician, who referred me to a specialist, who put me on a hormone blocker. From that point on, I hit the ground running.

So watched a TV show and decided to become Trans because when she was young she liked dresses. Then saw a "specialist" who gave her drugs and then hit the ground running.

But at least she isn't type cast as the gay boy anymore.

This is why maybe we should’ve stopped and thought about why social structures were what they were before we decided to go whole hog on undoing them. This trans obsession in the media is acting like an induction to a cult for what should actually be treated as a serious medical condition. Gender dysphoria is not some fashion trend that we should be flippantly pushing kids towards. It has lifelong consequences and causes the person to be an evolutionary dead end. Just think — every one of their direct ancestors going back to the earliest life form billions of years ago managed to successfully reproduce and they will be the first in that line to fail. And for what? A fashion trend?


Therapy is militant feminism...

Live a little and stop restoring to the same canned troll responses. I don't wanna hear this remark even one more time. If you do, you're gay.

Never said anything like that and would appreciate if you stopped presenting your amoebic interpretation of my ideas as what I actually said. Feel free to search my name plus the keyword “therapy”.
So you’re not going to answer why you’r you spend your time somewhere you hate insulting everyone and then wondering why they don’t like you much. Cool, glad we established that.

Boy please, if I hated it so much would I be here entertaining you right now? And you may like being liked on neogaf, it's probably important to you and stuff I mean it's good to have a sense of community somewhere, but I don't have that emotional dependency. I rather be the villian.


Gold Member
From her own interview

This is not something that just happened. This is not a choice that I made. When I was five, long before I understood what the word gender meant, I would always tell my mother that I wished I were a girl. Since I could speak in full sentences, I was like, “Give me a dress!” I always knew on some level that I was female. But it crystallized about three years ago when I was a 14-year-old watching the show I Am Jazz with my mother.


Unconfirmed Member
Boy please, if I hated it so much would I be here entertaining you right now? And you may like being liked on neogaf, it's probably important to you and stuff I mean it's good to have a sense of community somewhere, but I don't have that emotional dependency. I rather be the villian.
You have a hilariously inflated opinion of yourself.


I'm glad that transgender people are being represented.

Is she going to be like Zack Morris or her own character?


FYI you won’t be getting your reply from the amoeba, @hariseldon . There’s a mod warning on that post where he called you gay. I was the one who reported him, not because of insults, but because he lied about what I said. I really don’t care about being insulted or called gay or whatever, and I don’t use the report function often, but if there’s one thing I will use it for it’s lying about what I have said. That’s tantamount to slander in my view and shouldn’t be tolerated. That’s Ree level shit. Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie.


Unconfirmed Member
FYI you won’t be getting your reply from the amoeba, @hariseldon . There’s a mod warning on that post where he called you gay. I was the one who reported him, not because of insults, but because he lied about what I said. I really don’t care about being insulted or called gay or whatever, and I don’t use the report function often, but if there’s one thing I will use it for it’s lying about what I have said. That’s tantamount to slander in my view and shouldn’t be tolerated. That’s Ree level shit. Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie.
Yeah I know, he PM’d me btw which is amusing. Not much for me to add other than being disappointed by how low effort the trolling was but I don’t want to insult someone who can’t reply here so I’ll leave it at that.


"Guys, we hate trans people becuase we aren't excited for another reboot with a gimmick."




Uh, did you miss the first page of this thread where brap’s OP communicates literally nothing except the fact that there is this trans woman playing this character in a show and then everyone makes fun of her because she is trans?

Like, what are you trying to say with those stupid GIFs? Maybe you should elaborate instead of trying to pretend this thread is something that it isn’t.
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Gold Member
Uh, did you miss the first page of this thread where brap’s OP communicates literally nothing except the fact that there is this trans woman playing this character in a show and then everyone makes fun of her because she is trans?

Not because there is a trans character, but rather a completely unconvincing dorky actor got hired to be the "snarky head cheerleader" or whatever, not to mention a producer credit. Going from Tiffany Amber Thiessen to THAT? Ridiculous!

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I like to watch things burn. This will be spectacular. If they can subvert expectations, that's good, too, but I do not think they will.
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Uh, did you miss the first page of this thread where brap’s OP communicates literally nothing except the fact that there is this trans woman playing this character in a show and then everyone makes fun of her because she is trans?

Like, what are you trying to say with those stupid GIFs? Maybe you should elaborate instead of trying to pretend this thread is something that it isn’t.

Personally I'm just amused at the idea that this person is somehow not only a cheerleader but also the most popular person in school. They look like Ellen Degeneres and Gandhi had a munchkin (could give a shit over what may or may not be between their halfling legs). Bewildering, who the fuck are they hoping to convince exactly? Advertisers ? :messenger_dizzy:

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Personally I'm just amused at the idea that this person is somehow not only a cheerleader but also the most popular person in school. They look like Ellen Degeneres and Gandhi had a munchkin (could give a shit over what may or may not be between their halfling legs). Bewildering, who the fuck are they hoping to convince exactly? Advertisers ? :messenger_dizzy:


tbf it’s plausible if it’s set in a Canadian high school
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