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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio

This is a weird frame. Every company is always trying to create a console that gamers want and like. Because, you know, they want to sell them. Don't confuse what your preferences are (more power, more price) for "what gamers want".

Gamers did not want a entertainment hub that focused on TV, sports and kinect which gimped hardware for the games. unless you can point me to everyone who bought the xbox one to be a bridge between their cable/satelite and tv, please do so.

i assume you missed the xbox one reveal
Will Sony's marketing deal for RDR2 prevent the mindshare that the best place to play the game will be on Scorpio?

I think $499 is a hard sell. At $399, it becomes the multiplat platform of choice. Game after game, week afterdeck, DF will show how much better games run on Scorpio. It's what prevented Microsoft from truly recovering from their botched launch. Because in the end, the PS4 was still the best place for third party games.

If MS does come through with a $399 price, the arms race is on. MS will be showing its hand, that it is willing to outspend Sony long term. You know MS has Ryzen chips they are working with already, prepping for the next iteration, when Sony wants to leap frog Scorpio.

MS can't win a long, drawn out generation. But if they can force Sony to invest more in updating their consoles, they can wear them down. This is just the opening salvo.

Like the PS4 Pro, this has no impact on anything, it's enthusiast market and not mass market. I consider myself a pretty big enthusiast and can't justify a PS4 Pro because it just plays the same games.


it means Sony is done. I've already heard of people selling or returning their PS4 Pro. 3rd party developers will surely abandon the platform. At this point we might see more 3rd party games on Switch

Jokes aside, I hope this shakes Sony a bit. A thirsty MS means Sony isn't complacent. Though I assume the Scorpio alone doesn't rattle Sony too much, but if MS manages to drop some software megatons at E3 along with Scorpio hype... it could move the needle a bit.
This actually sounds even better than I was hoping. Thing thing sounds like a beast.

My thoughts, were that we would see something in the ballpark of a GTX 1070 or Fury X, but potentially downclocked by 20% which would give us a solid 4k 30-40 fps on current AAA titles across the board, and at Ultra or similar settings. If what they say in this article is true, Scorpio sounds like it will surpass that, which is insane for a console.

Really glad to see the 12GB of GDDR5 as well. This thing should easily handle true 4k Textures.

With regards to older titles, I really hope MS waves patch fees for every developer, and pushes them to patch old games to 4K. If it really is only 2 days of work, then I could see a lot of devs jumping on board.


Man, the only thing left is price. Getting it in Canada and Xbox One here didn't really adjust in price when the Canadian dollar tanked. That means we've been able to get XB1s for $250-$300 Canadian a year+ now (with a game sometimes).

I really hope this is priced at $399US. That means it would probably be around $499CND which is manageable and a worthwhile purchase for the tech. If it's $499US and $600+CND, that makes it too expensive for what you're getting IMO.


I understand the target market for this but what confuses me is this seems like a complete new hardware generation versus what Sony did with the PS4 Pro which was clearly just an iteration. My question is are they planning for a new generation as well and if they are when because if I bought the Scorpio this year and in two years needed to buy a new console I would be pissed.

But will you really be? This is where literally every mainstream gadget is headed towards. Sure not two years but easily by 2020 there will be news of next gen Xbox. This is a great mid-gen upgrade and if it seems like a whole new gen it's because this is the only way MS can compete with Sony now. One up ps4 pro,hardware wise. Why else would they reach out to digital foundry instead of ign or gamespot?
It's all good for the gaming industry IMO.


I'm curious about the power difference between this and PS4 Pro. So, PS4 Pro will often run around 1800p checkerboard or lower and then upscale to 4k, right? So it can't even render a full 1800p, yet Scorpio is claimed to run these same games at native 2160p. Is the difference in power really that substantial?

Why not compare it to PCs? Consoles and PCs are more closely aligned than they've ever been, what with consoles more getting multiple power levels in the same generation, and PC now getting all MS-published games.

Scorpio is about 50% faster than PS4 pro although only 10% on the CPU. That is not accounting for custom hardware as we have no clue how that performs.

Essentially it's Xbox vs PS4 reversed only rather than 900p vs 1080p it's 1800p (possibly checkerboard to 4k) vs 2160p.

If the price is right and they announce a VR strategy I am tempted.


Very cool reveal overall with some more data needed.
I am sitting in a developer group chat and the first takeaway from almost all of them was "Man I need to play Forza." lol
/s? C'mon. People are just silly. I would rather own both. I enjoy the exclusives.

He was joking.

Or was he?

I just trashed my launch ps4 and my pro.

I even trashed my xbox one, s, and my new gaming PC!

Scorpio is all I need.

I'm actually glad Digital Foundry seems optimistic about this thing. Seems great for those of us with 4k TVs and for those with 1080 displays as well.

Just keep it cool and more importantly, quiet. Sometimes I run my vacuum while playing games on my PS4 Pro to drown out its noise.
Just having the best place to play (talking console) Destiny 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Red Dead 2 makes this system worth it for me. Any 1st party titles is just icing on the cake
Will Sony's marketing deal for RDR2 prevent the mindshare that the best place to play the game will be on Scorpio?

I don't know about that, but given that GTA5 was ported to PC, I think it would be surprising if RDR2 wasn't ported there as well, probably at a later date. So regardless of exclusivity of content/DLC or performance, it's likely the PC version of RDR2 will be the "definitive one" in the minds of many gamers.

I've got it preordered for Xbox, anticipating that I will possibly get a launch Scorpio if the price is reasonable, plus I want to play it with my Elite controller. But I loved RDR so much that I wouldn't hesitate to buy it again on PC just to get the eventual mods.


Microsoft knocked it out of the park in terms of picking DF to outline Scorpio.

I feel much more informed, in a real sense, about what this hardware can do unlike what often happens in press conferences.
Gamers did not want a entertainment hub that focused on TV, sports and kinect which gimped hardware for the games. unless you can point me to everyone who bought the xbox one to be a bridge between their cable/satelite and tv, please do so.

i assume you missed the xbox one reveal

That's exactly why I passed on xbox one after being primarily a 360 gamer (until I built a pc) last gen. I finally bought a One S recently due to constant issues with my DS4 triggers breaking. I'm excited for Scorpio.
Yes they mentioned that devs would have to patch resolution bumps. Load times have been confirmed to be improved though for all games. 360 and XB0.

Unless the game has a dynamic resolution, then it will automatically be the maximum resolution, correct? Should mean that Halo 5 goes up to least 1080p,hopefully 4K. Same with Witcher 3. There are quite a bit of games with dynamic resolution, right?
I was told this thread will have meltdowns and bans


(Today, 07:27 PM)




Man, the only thing left is price. Getting it in Canada and Xbox One here didn't really adjust in price when the Canadian dollar tanked. That means we've been able to get XB1s for $250-$300 Canadian a year+ now (with a game sometimes).

I really hope this is priced at $399US. That means it would probably be around $499CND which is manageable and a worthwhile purchase for the tech. If it's $499US and $600+CND, that makes it too expensive for what you're getting IMO.
Real possibility this thing could be $599-$699 US. 750-900$CAN? That would suck.
Microsoft knocked it out of the park in terms of picking DF to outline Scorpio.

I feel much more informed, in a real sense, about what this hardware can do unlike what often happens in press conferences.
Agreed. If you want people to understand specs, you get the guys who do these breakdowns for a living to do what they do best.


Great move on MS' part inviting DF to highlight the system. Great specs.

With that said, as someone who already owns a powerful gaming PC, I can't see myself giving a fuck unless they somehow majorly improve their first party console exclusive lineup. All the exclusives I care about are currently on PS4 (Pro).
Gamers did not want a entertainment hub that focused on TV, sports and kinect which gimped hardware for the games. unless you can point me to everyone who bought the xbox one to be a bridge between their cable/satelite and tv, please do so.

i assume you missed the xbox one reveal

Microsoft obviously thought people would buy it and like it, but they were wrong.

I agree that there is reason to celebrate Sony and Microsoft trying to one up each other in specs. Everybody likes some more power.


Sure Scorpio can do much better than a PC with similar specs, much better. Im wondering who is gonna spend $$$ for a Gaming PC when Scorpio will do basicly the same for 499$...

People like me that doesn't really care for graphics but 60+ fps is essential
ok just watched letterheads reveal video and I couldn't help cringe.

"Microsoft have done it again"

"blew me away"

"never seen anything like this before"

according to him the Scorpio gpu is 50% more powerful than the pro. As expected it is jaguar upclocked yet they are giving this some absurd name. All this talk of dx12 (again) inside the gpu, i'm suprised the cloud wasn't mentioned.

I probably sound a bit negative, just feel these mid gen refreshes are stupid. They managed to get a 3 year old game running from 1080p 60fps to 4k 60fps on a GPUthat is 5 times more powerful than the OG one.

Is this thing supposed to reverse their fortunes? how much does a new console cost to research, produce and ship? We've seen the ps4 out selling the pro still. With the scorpio costing even more i'm sure the xbone will outsell the scorpio as well.
Microsoft knocked it out of the park in terms of picking DF to outline Scorpio.

I feel much more informed, in a real sense, about what this hardware can do unlike what often happens in press conferences.


So much better than random executive on a stage yelling about billions of transistors.


Just having the best place to play (talking console) Destiny 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Red Dead 2 makes this system worth it for me. Any 1st party titles is just icing on the cake
Destiny played exactly the same on Xbone and ps4. I can see the same thing happening here with the same power disparity. Though pc version is in the cards now, so maybe they'll change it up.


It will do this, will provide that, games should...

Just show me the games running on the hardware and I'll make form my opinion on that. Nice specs and lol but DX12 was supposed to do amazing things too lol.

Show me the games, give me the price.


Felium Defensor
I know it's probably a silly thing to say but if you're interested in buying a 4K TV, do consider saving up for OLEDs. Cause the picture quality/contrast is pure sex. Well worth it if you can find one on sale(ebay/local retailers/etc)


I saw that too, which would suggest half of 4k, but I actually believe the Scorpio can run Apex at Ultra 4k with that GPU as have been proven with similar PC Parts.....

I suggest people saying that the Scopio scales to a 1070 because of their custom DX12 chip to hold their horses though. Let's see games under the microscope and under analysis tools first before we make such assertions/calls......

So what does DF mean by 50% resolution scale? Was just odd to have it on the image and the gameplay, but not mention it. Guessing they mean it some other way as Richard kept re-iterating that it's native 4k.
Are you bummed about Zen?

Not at all. As I've said all along, that was just more high hopes, wanting Microsoft to go balls to the wall, but if what I'm reading pans out, there was never any need with the expertise they can bring to bear to go so far in the first place.

That customization related to the CPU, moving DX12 over to the GPU command processor sounds like a pretty great fucking idea, especially if the reported reduction in rendering overhead really ends up panning out as expected. This thing sounds like a beast. Something I tried to mention to people from the start was that I was never going to be angry or hugely disappointed if by some chance it didn't have Zen, because I was convinced that Microsoft would, as far as consoles are concerned, have a bit of a beast on their hands. What I didn't expect is that it would provide not just performance boost to all kinds of existing Xbox One titles automatically (well, I kinda did expect this to happen since it happens with xbox one s already), but I wasn't expecting automatic boosts to visuals also in the form of much improved anisotropic filtering.

Also, it's looking like expectations that this would perform up there with, or maybe even better than a 980 TI weren't so crazy after all. Hell, it's just one test, but according to DF they saw Scorpio more or less handling 4K 60FPS Ultra PC settings at the same level as a GTX 1070. Now obviously Forza is a unique case, but who honestly expected before this reveal that such a statement, forza or no, would ever actually be possible? I might have said it once or twice just being excited and silly, but for it to possibly turn out accurate? Well, we'll see.

Scorpio was always a guaranteed purchase for me with or without Zen. And judging by what we all read, there's a chance this may, with some of the things they did, end up fairly expensive. Zen really might have put it over the top. So if it means keeping it within a certain range, I'm fine with that. If by some miracle they were to announce this thing for $399.99 LOL. That'd be crazy, but I'm expecting higher.
$399 I'm thinking, now we know it's using older, more affordable Jaguar and Polaris tech and not newer and more expensive Zen and Vega.

This reminds me of when people said the Switch would be $199 for sure after it was confirmed that it would be using the Tegra X1 and not X2.

I'd be willing to bet good money that it will be $499. Patcher did not say "expect to pay premium price for a premium console" to mean that it will cost the same as as a PS4 Pro, which, in their eyes, is not "premium" like the Scorpio is.

I seriously don't understand how people can realistically expect $399. If it comes out at $449 I will be shocked.

Of course I'm hoping to eat crow on all this but I just don't see it.


I think a lot of people are underestimating the power of 3rd party games. Sony may have bought exclusive marketing for certain games, but I think the next step is Microsoft going for exclusive 4k asset and resolution patches that can only be possible on Scorpio.

For example while Sony may have a exclusive marketing deal with Red Dead 2. Scorpio may have a an exclusive 4k/ whatever patch.

I guess we'll see, but Red Dead 2 or Cyberpunk 2077 on the Scorpio is going to be the best place to play it on.


I know it's probably a silly thing to say but if you're interested in buying a 4K TV, do consider saving up for OLEDs. Cause the picture quality/contrast is pure sex. Well worth it if you can find one on sale(ebay/local retailers/etc)
Yep waiting for prices to come down. When I get a 4k TV I won't consider anything but an OLED


I don't know shit about specs but from what I'm reading it's more powerful than the PS4. I wonder how third parties are gonna use it.


ok just watched letterheads reveal video and I couldn't help cringe.

"Microsoft have done it again"

"blew me away"

"never seen anything like this before"

according to him the Scorpio gpu is 50% more powerful than the pro. As expected it is jaguar upclocked yet they are giving this some absurd name. All this talk of dx12 (again) inside the gpu, i'm suprised the cloud wasn't mentioned.

I probably sound a bit negative, just don't feel these mid gen refreshes are stupid. They managed to get a 3 year old game running from 1080p 60fps to 4k 60fps on a cpu that is 5 times more powerful than the OG one.

Is this thing supposed to reverse their fortunes? how much does a new console cost to research, produce and ship? We've seen the ps4 out selling the pro still. With the scorpio costing even more i'm sure the xbone will outsell the scorpio as well.

Yeah I'm pretty skeptical on the DX12 talk myself. There's been quite a few DX12 games on XB1 already iirc but it hasn't really worked any miracles yet. "Baked in" just screams "secret sauce" to me
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